Thursday, October 9, 2008

जागे हैं

जागे हैं देर तक
हमें कुछ देर सोने दो
थोडी सी रात और है
सुबह तो होने दो
आधे अधूरे ख्वाब जो पूरे ना हो सके
इक बार फिर से नींद में वो ख्वाब बोने दो
एक ख्वाब टूट जाने का एहसास ही तो है
थोडी सी रात और सेहर पास ही तो है

Written by Gulzaar sahab.
Consider for a moment that i come and ask you to take this poem and make a song out of it, aka add music to this poem. And in my wildest imagination, i can not come up with what A.R. Rahman came up with. And there is no point in even thinking which is better the poem or the song. In the you tube video, Gulzaar sahab recites this poem and the way he recites it, aha! And when you listen to Rahman's song, it seems that it is totally a different song altogether.

Jaage Hain - Guru

1 comment:

aman said...

i totally second everything u said..when i too read this, i was surprised how elegantly rahman could put it to music :)